Use of social networking sites by the faculty members of Central Himalayan region: a study of Kumaun University

Karnika Nigam

Research Scholar

Department of Library & Information Science

BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., India

Dr. M.P. Singh

Associate Professor

Department of Library & Information Science

BBAU, Lucknow, U.P., India

Research Problem: The present study revealed about the use of social networking sites by the faculty members of Central Himalayan region. Kumaun University has been taken for the study, which is situated at this region

Methodology Applied: A closed questionnaire method was applied for the study. 200 questionnaires were distributed amongst faculty members of Kumaun University and only 114 respondents replied.

Results/conclusions: It is observed that majority of the faculty members of Kumaun University (KU) from all disciplines are aware of the SNSs and have accounts on them. 78.94 % faculties accessed Facebook through laptop at their home. 84.21% faculty members shared information through it and 64.04% used it for communication of research output. 59.65% faculty members of KU believed that SNS is relevant, active and interesting community, 56.14% used it for gaining valuable ideas. 71.05% of KU believed that SNS exposed to latest technology and 56.14% are satisfied with SNS

Recommendations: Library of Kumaun University should use these social networking sites in promoting their services amongst faculty members.