About JIM
Journal of Information Management (JIM) is a bi-annual journal of Library and information science. The objective of JIM is to provide a better platform to the LIS Professionals with new dimensions.
It is a peer-reviewed periodical dedicated to the broadcast and exposition of scholarly research results. JIM promotes research work among young library professionals, researchers, students and faculty members. JIM motivates them to carry out actual research work and publish their manuscripts.

The features of JIM
- Fast publication process.
- Proper peer review process.
- Suggestions to author if article need modification.
- JIM accepts original and high quality paper.
- Publishing instantly in current issue after process completion.
- Journal provides digitally signed certificates to all authors after the publication.
Vision & Mission
Journal of Management (JIM) is sole publication of Society for Promotion of Library Professionals (SPLP), India. The vision & mission of JIM is to provide a platform to library science professionals, research scholars and students, who want to publish their research work globally.