Chandran Velmurugan
Reserch Scholar
Periyar University, India
Dr. Natarajan Radhakrishnan
Associate Professor,
Periyar University, India.
This paper deals with growth and collaborative research pattern of scientific publications of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) during the selected eight years between 2007and -2014. The study revealed that the majority of 58 (14.95%) publications were produced by the contributors in the year 2013 and the maximum number of average length of the articles was i.e. 10.10 in the year 2013. The degree of collaboration in this journal is 0.36. Further, the study explored the year wise growth, author productivity, authorship pattern, volume wise and issue wise authorship, and the single and multi-authored papers and average citations, page distribution, rank wise geographical distribution of publications etc.