Journal of Information Management, which originated in 2014, is a leading journal in library & information science published half yearly by The Society for Promotion of Library Professional. The ownership of the Journal is with the Society for Promotion of Library Professional of India, and it is solely handled by the Chief Editor. Its ISSN reference number is ISSN 2348-1765 for print and ISSN 2348-1773 for online. After requisite peer reviewing, it publishes original articles and reviews on various aspects of library & information science, covering collection development, preservation and digitalization, personal development, emerging technologies applied in this area, library management and promotes research and scientific approaches, inclusive of latest trends in frontier technologies like application of cloud and RFID. The Journal also covers any topic which is directly or indirectly related to library & information science.
Articles should be computer-typed (Times New Roman, font 12), double spaced throughout on A-4 size, portrait, all around 1” margins, in MS Word. Avoid unnecessary italics (only scientific names in italics, all others normal), unnecessary bold (only title, author names, subheadings like METHODS, RESULTS, AND DISCUSSION, REFERENCES, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST / COMPETING INTERESTS in bold). Softcopies of the articles are accepted only in the online platform of the Society or
After submissions, authors are necessarily required to look into their email for communications from the Society, with peer review/ reviewer comments/ online reviews. Authors must peruse such updates and respond promptly. The Journal/ Society will not be responsible if authors fail in this. When revising articles after peer review, all queries marked in the annotated MS by the editor/ reviewer(s) must be replied, along with a compliance statement, and returned back promptly within 30 days. If not adhered to this timeline, it will be considered as NEW SUBMISSION. Authors are directed to expedite these in the interest of quick publication of their articles.
Processing Charges for Article
The sole aim of the society is to promote and support activities related to the library & information science and encourage new researchers and academicians to give a platform for new research ideas under the guidance of eminent professionals of the same subject. Presently there is no publication charge but in some cases there may be some processing fees.
Detailed Guidelines for the Submissions
For Research Article
ARTICLE TITLE should be short, specific and informative. It should include the name(s) of author(s), affiliation (institution/ university, and these without abbreviations to be given in full), and mailing address (PIN CODE is must), with Email of corresponding author (other email, fax and phone numbers NOT allowed). Preferably a running short title not >40 characters can be given. By- line should contain the place (organization) where the research was conducted. Author names to be without any titles like Mr. Ms. Dr., etc, and professional affiliations like Professor (official positions NOT to be included). If essential, these can be given as footnotes separately. Must use only superscripts of numerals for indications, no other diacritic marks/ symbols allowed; no foot notes to be used for this purpose, all to be brought along with address. Authors have to refer the recent issue of the Journal for following these carefully and may contact over email for any specific queries. Title and authors’ names are to be in uppercase capitals, with corresponding author clearly indicated.
ABSTRACT written in complete and simple sentences, should not be >150 words. It must be a true summary of what is given in the results as important findings, introductory is not to be part of this. Key words (ten to fifteen) must be given; include only words which are not present in the title and these should appear just beneath the abstract.
INTRODUCTION must be brief and limited to the problem or the aim and scope of the experiment. It has to be without any title. No irrelevant/ unwanted things, only one or two sentences on general introduction to be given and straight come to the importance and focus of the article in as little space as possible. Only relevant current references to be cited herein.
MATHEODOLOGY must include research and data analysis technique(s) used along with appropriate statistical methods. Routine/ standard methodologies must be used including figures, subheadings/ Tables for these. The scientific names/ other references included in the articles must be authentic.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results should be supported by brief but adequate tables or graphic or pictorial presentations, wherever necessary. Self-explanatory tables should be typed on separate sheets; tables should fit in the normal page layout. All figures including drawings, graphs and diagrams should be formatted preferably in MS Word. Scanned images should be in separate file (minimum 300 dpi resolution), in jpeg or tiff format. Figures to be reduced to smallest optimum size, arranged in as less space as possible and continuously numbered. Repetition in graphic and tabular matter ought to be avoided
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS to follow the current style as practiced in the Journal, check for uniformity, and brevity.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Authors must declare if any conflict of interest exists as a separate document along with the article. It would need to be clearly stated here if it does not exist.
REFERENCES. The authors are requested to follow APA pattern for references and citations. Kindly visit: