Influence of Internet Connectivity and Collaboration on the Research Productivity of Librarians in Colleges of Education in Nigeria

G.A. Babalola (Ph.D)

Department of library and information technology,

School of Sciences and Technology Education,

Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria


The study examined the influence of internet connectivity and collaboration among colleagues as influencing factors on the research productivity of librarians in colleges of education in Nigeria. Research design used for the study is survey. Total enumeration was used to cover all the 356 librarians in the 63 public colleges of education that existed in Nigeria as at 2012. Two (2) instruments were used to collect data. The instruments are: Librarians’ productivity scale (r=0.71) and Librarians’ environmental scale (r=0.88). Statistical package of social science (SPSS) was used to analyse the collected data. Finding from the study revealed that the publications output of majority of the librarians was far below average and that internet connectivity and synergy among colleagues had positive correlation on research productivity of librarians in colleges of education in Nigeria. It is recommended amongst others that the authorities of the colleges of education in Nigeria should do everything possible to optimise the research productivity of the librarians and no effort should be spared to connect their offices to functional internet services.