Bibliometric Analysis of “Journal of Emerging Market Finance” During 2002-2013

Dr. R. Senthil Kumar

Librarian (SG) & Head (Research), Department of Library and Information Science,

Kongunadu Arts & Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore-641 029.



LIS, Research Scholar Ph.D (PT), Kongunadu Arts & Science College (Autonomous),

Coimbatore – 641 029. & Librarian, Dr.SNS.Rajalakshmi College of Arts & Science, (Autonomous), Coimbatore-641 049.



This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the journal “Journal of Emerging Market Finance” for the period between 2002 to 2013.The analysis covers mainly authorship pattern, key words contribution of articles year wise, pages contribution of articles year wise, figures contribution of articles year wise, tables contribution of articles year wise, year wise distribution of citations . All the studies point towards the merits and weakness of the journal which will be helpful for its further development. Study reveals that most of the articles were contributed by Two authors 62(41.61%) this is followed by single author with 52 (34.90%) of the total articles.